Travel Diary [The Beginning]

Last few days or say the whole of SEPTEMBER had been the worst month of the year for me. My foot got injured badly and I was on bed rest for a couple of days. No work, no outings made me quite uncomfortable and withdrawn from the world.

That’s when I started writing about the BEST times/ days of my life. Those 7 days when I traveled up north with my besties made me look at life with a total different perspective. With days of no communication with the rest of the world, even family made me realize that once in a while you need to come out of your comfort zone and look life in the face and love it. I had heard that travelling teaches you a lot of things and TBVH it actually did πŸ™‚

Raasta koi mil hi jaega, Chalo to sahi ❀

For me, travelling helped me in personal growth and it nourished the soul as well. It taught me patience and to appreciate what I have. Being intimate with a place has its own charm and I fell in love with the new culture, the languages, local food, the clothing, and everything in between. Making new discoveries about the place and MYSELF was the best part about travelling. As for me, I was acrophobic and could’t even think of crossing a pedestrian bridge; I overcame this fear while hiking towards Fairy Meadows and it was indeed a transformative experience.

As the blog title says, its just the beginning and I will post my travel stories soon πŸ™‚ Stay tuned and keep travelling ❀

P.S: Don’t forget to tell me about your experiences in the comments below πŸ™‚

Random Facts about ME ;)

Today I am going to do the #GetToKnowMe tag and will tell you guys & gals some random facts about myself πŸ˜€

I have seen blogger Baradari doing this πŸ˜› so I thought I should try doing it too. This gives you people the chance to know me a little better! I think the more personal you get with your readers, the better it is πŸ™‚

Here are some random facts about myself:

  • Proud foodie. I just love food but a Disastrous chef πŸ˜‰
  • Envy people with faster & spontaneous reflex :p
  • I never like, I obsess!! I honestly have no sense of in between when it comes to this; it is always the extremes as far as I am concerned.
  • A Potter Head through and through. πŸ˜€ ^^
  • I am afraid of heights. A big time Acrophobic.
  • Would love to learn to play drums and guitar πŸ™‚
  • I quit biting my nails when I was 12.
  • I love watching films, although I thoroughly disliked Twilight.
  • I LOVE WRITING. It’s how I figure things out and understand myself/my thoughts.
  • I am good at listening to my gut feelings and they have never steered me wrong. I know almost immediately if something/someone is right or wrong. ALHAMDULILLAH ❀
  • I am sarcastic as hell. I cannot be with people who cannot get my sarcasm because I would feel so pissed all the time.
  • I strongly believe in VACATIONS. Breaks from life. Siesta. Personal days. Relaxation.
  • I like loooooooooove ice creams.
  • Someday I want to go on a road trip with my friends.
  • I hate loathe chocolates with coconut.
  • I love wearing hoodies and beanies.
  • I always over think stuff I make (example: blog posts) and just abandon them half way because I do not think they are good enough.
  • Hypocrisy pisses me off.
  • One of my greatest fears is Death of a loved one.
  • Some authors I love to read: J.K Rowling, William Shakespeare & Paulo Coelho.
  • One of my best assets is my determination.
  • I do not like to sugarcoat things at all. I am frank, although not to everyone, I do have a filter.
  • I can never dabble with makeup, except with lipstick and eyeliner, the only two things I can manage. 😦
  • Sleep is my escape. I can sleep for days! However, I can also stay awake for days. No middle ground, my friends, always the extremes with me.
  • I have never loved anyone as much as I love my Baba. (May his soul rest in peace).
  • This blog post took me more than a week because it was so hard for me to think of facts about myself. πŸ˜€ :/

PHEW! That was hard πŸ˜› Go ahead and leave me a comment with a random fact about YOU! Hope you enjoyed this & feel like we know each other a little better now! (Y)